Capital Home Care has been providing home care in Rockville, Maryland since 2002. We currently offer services in the states of Maryland and Virginia. The Capital Home Care team comprises qualified registered nurses, certified nursing assistants who are referred based on the best match methodology and a team of professionals that keep things running smoothly for you 24/7. Together, the Capital Home Care management team leads the support staff, nurses, and caregivers to serve hundreds of clients throughout the states of Maryland and Virginia, with decades of combined professional experience behind them. With our extensive network, we have access to thousands of caregivers at any given time. Using objective analysis through a state-of- the-art matching system, we are able to match suitable caregivers that are able to meet the needs of our clients. Our number one goal is that you feel comfortable and safe in your home so finding that right match for you is of utmost importance to us.
We strive to meet and exceed industry standards. Our management team is actively involved with policy-makers, other home health care organizations and related associations. We also take pride in serving as honorary board members at various organizations that are making a difference in the home care industry.
Since 2002, we continue striving towards delivering excellence in home care services. Through good word of mouth we have served thousands of seniors and individuals with disabilities. The quality of our service is based upon 4 pillars:
1. Care compassionately for each and every client
2. Conduct ourselves with professionalism and integrity
3. Create an atmosphere of trust and warmth
4. Continue to listen, learn and improve every day
Mission Statement:
To enhance patients’ quality of life while empowering caregivers and staff to deliver excellence in home care services.
Our Approach:
At Capital Home Care, our team approach is to support each client’s strengths and abilities so the activities of daily living can be accomplished with as much or as little support as desired by the client. We strive to promote dignity, pride and independence at all times, and we do so by involving our clients and their families when developing their customized plans of care. Furthermore, our team believes that by providing clients and families with access to supportive information and resources, our clients will remain independent and can be productive members of their communities.